Friday, 24 August 2012

Pike Family

The Pike Family
 This family was so much fun to shoot! They are from all over the world, from Oz to London Englad, to little old Listowel, it was my pleasure to spend some time with each family! This is just a tease of over 100 photos that I have of this gorgeous group. We were blessed with a beautiful day, and a wonderful family gathering! I will remember my time with you all forever!

Parker on the slide
Parker was so much fun, and although it took him some time to get comfortable with the camera I think he had loads of fun! Loved his little ozzy accent! Too Cute!

These gorgeous babies are the next generation of Pike women...OH NO! LOL

Maddie with her beautiful blues, and photogenic smile!

Maiya, the sweetest girl I know!

Scarlett, the newest gorgeous addition!

The Good's Deb, Maiya, Remmi and Tim, I just love you guys!

Caroline, Cavo, Parker and Maddie

Jen and Chris, made me laugh all day long!

Marianne, Doug, McKenzie, and Scarlett Bell Congrats newly weds!

Lesley Pike and Remmi, how gorgeous are these two?
The beautiful ladies, and Mom Peggy Pike

Proud Momma and Papa, Peggy and Bob Pike

Beautiful brother and sister shot!

Remmi all dressed up in blue! So Pretty!

Sunday, 5 August 2012

The Kerr's

This shoot was super fun as I had to convince Momma bear to take just a few mat shots, I think she secretly enjoyed it, and I hope she loves them as much as I do. This family is so sweet and from the pics as you can see they are expecting another little girl. Momma (Heather) is  a beautiful woman, who naturally just glows in every picture!
 I enjoyed this and am proud to say this is my family, love you all! Good luck Heather with the delivery, I can't wait to meet her!
Pink = girl!

beautiful Momma bear!

Heather you are so beautiful! I know you are going to be a terrific Mom, Liam's very lucky!


The family

Fun, fun, fun!

Monday, 16 July 2012

My little Fishy

My little fish, it's been a fantastic summer so far! Avery has really taken to the water. I am so proud of my little monkey, or maybe I should say mermaid! This has been a perfect opportunity to take pictures of my little fish, as the blues of the water look gorgeous, and her facial expressions are priceless, and the outdoor light is fantastic! I couldn't ask for a better setting! We are so excited that Avery has taken so well to the water that we have enrolled her in swimming lessons this summer! That's right I said swimming lessons! If you are anything like me I could not believe that an 8 month old could be in swimming lessons, but they can, and I know Avery will rock them!
Splashing in the water!

Ooops, head dunk!

Swimming with Daddy!

Friday, 13 July 2012

Avery's Come Back!!

I realize it's been a super long time since my last post and I am so sorry. Now that school is over for the summer hopefully I will be able to keep up with this blog a lot more. I have missed writing and posting pics mostly of my little Avery, and my my how she has grown! These pics were inspired by this sweet little tutu I bought for Canada day for her. I really wanted to take some pics of her in it while floating on clouds lol so obviously that could not happen the closest thing to it that I could think of was setting her in the middle of my white duvet and puffing it up around her. It was so easy and turned out just as I pictured! All I did was set my duvet up on my bed and up over my headboard! Avery always does most of the work, as soon as she sees the camera she knows exactly what to do! I love how her blue eyes just pop, and her yummy soft vanilla skin looks so creamy against the white duvet and bright red tutu! Can you tell I'm in love!

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Brynn Parkhouse

I had the amazing pleasure of shooting the Parkhouse's new addition last week. I was so taken by their beautiful baby girl Brynn! She was a sweet little model and as you can see by the turn out of the pictures she is so Gorgeous! Thank-you to the family for giving me the chance to shoot their little miracle, it was an amazing experience and I really enjoyed myself!

Precious baby Brynn

Whooooooooooo are you looking at beautiful!

Sleeping beauty getting sleepy

A beautiful and unforgettable moment!

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Leaving on a Jet Plane

I just got some new props this weekend and couldn't wait until my shoot next week to try them out so Avery got the pleasure! I love this suitcase it's so vintage looking and the blue is perfect for her especially because of her big blue gorgeous eyes! I also got some new hats for spring/summer and a couple of new wraps. I love playing with different colours, textures, and accessories! This was also the first time Avery sat all on her own! I was so excited, but she wasn't into sitting on her own for that long so I only got a couple of pretty shots before the tears came.

Beautiful Blues

Love this toe shot! Love baby feet <3

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Favourite Faces!

My Munchkin has so many different faces and these are just a few that I have caught on camera! Facial expressions melt my heart as Avery seems to find a new one everyday and whether it's laughing, crying, gummy smiles, even confusion they are all so precious and something I look forward to seeing everyday!

Laughing with Dad

Sweet grin <3

Beautiful baby of mine! I feel so lucky to be the proud owner (lol) of this gorgeous face! She make my face light up everyday! Her pout is just as sweet as her Grin! Momma loves you monkey.
My absolute favourite! Like Mother like Daughter as my besty would say! xo

Monday, 9 April 2012

Easter Hunny Bunny

Hoppy Easter Everyone! We have had very busy few weeks, as I have gone back to teaching and Avery is always on the move! We have had some wonderful visits this week as well, from Avery's Aunt and Uncle Roni and Greg from Halifax! And Avery's Grandma from Edmonton! So we have been super busy ladies! For Easter we went to an Easter egg hunt here in town and it was crazy! Kids everywhere! Eggs everywhere! Bunnies Everywhere! Avery had so much fun swinging on her favourite swing and watching all the little kids playing around her.

Avery's collected eggs, she likes them!

Love all the natural light, my Hunny Bunny looks so sweet!

Avery swinging with Grandma, can't get enough of that smile!

Avery and I, finally made my husband snap a shot of us together <3

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Avery @ the Park!

Swinging fun! A fun and easy way to get some beautiful pictures is to take your little one to the park and shoot them playing! Avery loves the swings so I get some super cute smiles and grins. The light outside is also a wonderful change from the inside. I really enjoyed taking these pictures of her and I think they turned out great! Natural light is always the best for a shoot, just be careful to watch for where the shadows fall because that could end up ruining your picture.

Sitting back into the swing!

This one is my favourite! Look out Mommy here I come!

Pure Enjoyment!