Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Well farewell ladies and Gents, Avery and I are off to Edmonton to see her Grandparents for a week so I won't be blogging while I am there. I hope to bring many pics home with me full of memories that will last forever! I hope everyone has a wonderful week! Chat soon, here are some wonderful quotes that I will leave you all with to ponder over the next week!

“ Beauty can be seen in all things, seeing and composing the beauty is what separates the snapshot from the photograph. – Matt Hardy

“ Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst. – Henri Cartier-Bresson

 “ Which of my photographs is my favourite? The one I’m going to take tomorrow. – Imogen Cunningham

 “ Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop. – Ansel Adams

“ I always thought good photos were like good jokes. If you have to explain it, it just isn’t that good. – Anonymous

Monday, 27 February 2012

Bunny l<3 ve, I am enjoying playing around with Avery and Easter ideas! There are so many interesting sites and blogs to visit for great ideas for photography and one of my favourites  Http://, this particular issue is about great ideas for backdrops in your photos! I love the first bday idea and I definitely can't wait to do it, on Avery or anyone else who is willing to try it for fun! I also love the idea of just using your kitchen chairs instead of buying a really expensive stand that holds the backdrops. Using different materials for your backdrops is something that can make your picture stand out from all the others, but you don't have to spend a fortune buying them either. I use sheets, that's right bedsheets with fun patterns, this is an affordable way to making your own backdrops!

Love the softness of this photo!

Excited for the Easter Bunny!

Just using different colours for your photos can change the whole feel of them!

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Easter love, well it's that time of year again when the mini eggs are ever flowing and the cream eggs are back for a limited time! These pics will hopefully be just the beginning to my Easter collection of fun! I love the colours that Easter brings, pinks, purples, blues, and yellows! Hopefully when Avery grows up she won't kill me for putting these bunny ears on her, but I couldn't resist she looks so so cute!

In love with this picture, I love her dress and the vintage style background! Wish I had many more!

Bunny ears are fun, so I tried a soft focus on Avery which hopefully draws your eyes to her pink bunny ear! Which she seemed to love to look at! It was so funny watching her watch those

Her dress just pops! Loving these colours!

Friday, 17 February 2012

Avery May @ 3 months! My baby girl is already 3 months old, I can't believe how fast time is going by. I love the idea of taking photos every time your little one turns another month older. Using some of the same props in your pics when doing this is a great idea! You can see when you look back on them how much your little munchkin has grown! Avery is almost sitting on her own now and definitely holding her head up. She laughed for the very first time on the 15th! It was definitely a melt your heart moment. We have decided to use this big teddy as her constant prop in her ageing month pics...and they are sooooooo cute!

3 month old toes!! I love baby feet! It is especially important to get those little details throughout a photoshoot, just remember the song "head and shoulders" eyes, ears, mouth and nose are especially sweet...but feet are my fav which is hilarious because I don't enjoy adult feet at but baby toes are just so little and sweet!

Avery has a thing for sticking out her tongue! But I love it...
Sweet baby of mine!

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Visiting with Aunt Roni, I haven't updated in a while as Avery and I have been super busy with my very best friend who is visiting us from a far away land...Aunt Roni is so helpful and supportive with my blog and my photography I just wanted to post a pic of her beautifulness! She has been helping me with more ideas for shoots and research of other photographers. I am right now loving peekaboo photography, and hope to one day be as successful as they are, and have the skills that they do! Please check out this amazing blog! Worth a look!

Avery helping Mom out with props for more shoots isn't she gorgeous!
My baby girl!

I can't say enough about simple head shots of infants. They are my fav! I love how every time you look at them they are making a different face and I love to capture all that I can. Newborns tend to mirror the faces of their parents and others, I wonder who Avery is trying to look like in this adorable shot?
Looking sweet in my wicker chest, LOVE!

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Happy Valentines! Love CandaceMayPhotography, Avery and Maiya! <3


Thursday, 9 February 2012

Everyone meet Maiya Good!! Today's shoot was amazing! Maiya is a sweet soul with lots of spunk and a gorgeous smile! She has big beautiful blue eyes that would make anyone melt. This family is one of my favourites of today, baby Maiya, Mommy and Daddy's hands wrapped in love. Thank-you Good family it was an honour to do Maiya's first baby pictures! I hope we do many more together!
Maiya sporting a beautiful flower headband

Super close up of Maiya gorgeous features!

Maiya in a basket! How sweet is she!

Maiya and Mommy, I loved shooting the both of you. This is such a wonderful pic, Mommy looks so happy and proud of her little bundle of joy!

Momma and baby Love!
Happy Valentines Day!

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Some more pics from yesterday! I just love these ones so I couldn't help but post more! I bought some more hats and a beautiful headband as well that I can't wait to try out! Maiya will reap the benefits tomorrow of those sweet additions to my collection! Look for those soon!  

I love this hat, cute pom poms!

So gorgeous in black and white!

I enjoy pics that are off set and have the open space!

Close up shot!

Love this hat! Looks great in photos! I hope you liked this weeks pics, I will be putting some up soon of my little friend Maiya after our session tomorrow! Make sure you check them out, I am excited to have a new beautiful face on here!

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Pretty blues, love her eyes...they just POP!

Sweetheart <3
Avery's New Hat, today's photo shoot was inspired by Avery's new hat! We had lot of fun taking shots this morning. After we shot her in this cute toque we didn't want to stop! We have some really adorable shots
Loving this black faux fir rug...great for pics!
Oh no Daddy, looks like she's a Tiffany girl too! I just love the colour of the box and Avery likes chewing it, but trust me it won't take long for her to find out what one of these boxes means! Diamonds are a girls best friend!

Sweet hat and bow, just can't get over her expression in this shot!

    This was a fun one, Avery is trying to sit on her own with her bear friends, love the bum!
diapers and bears oh my...

Monday, 6 February 2012

Avery's Head Shots, Well today Avery was not interested in Mommy taking any full out pics so we decided to take some simple head shots, they turned out great! I love all of her faces, I always seem to get new ones everyday!  I especially love this picture she looks like she is planning something BIG! 

Sweet Smile from my sweet girl!

Cutie pie <3

Love this face too! Not sure what she is thinking here but I don't care its super adorable!

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Picture Collages! O.k. these are super cute and super fun to make! I can't wait to start making some for clients! Deb is my first so some new pics by next weekend, its going to be a fabulous time I can't wait! I know how amazing it was for me to get Avery's pic done for the first time, it's such a rush as a parent and such an amazing gift that you get to have and keep forever!

My baby girl, love all her faces! So fun to shoot!

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Daddy's Girl, I love shooting any father daughter pair, but this was particularly special for me. Avery like her Mom is a total Daddy's girl. She already bats her little eyelashes his way and gives the baby doll eyes and he melts...<3

Baby Girl Avery and her Dad
"So fathers be good to your daughters, daughters will love like you do. Girls become lovers who turn into Mothers, so Mothers be good to your daughters too" John Mayer
 One of my favourite songs of all time...and so so true
To the most wonderful husband and Father, I love you and you are doing a fantastic job of taking care of your girls xo

Friday, 3 February 2012

Updates, so I have also started a facebook page so if you like what you see here you can also like me on facebook! I am also offering 10% off Valentines pictures if you book them this week! I promise more pictures will be coming, and not just pics of Avery, but I have a family photo shoot coming up and a maternity shoot as well that I am super excited for! So be looking for those pics coming soon to a blog near you!!/pages/Candace-May-Photography/104096133049438

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Valentines Day Post: OK, I know I posted something already today, but I was just so excited about these pics! Plus V-day is coming up fast! I personally love this day! I think a day that is set aside to celebrate love could not be a better idea! I hope you do something special for the  one(s)  you love this V-day... This picture has already made mine. 
 Avery is my Valentine this year!

Just looking at these pics make my heart melt, and isn't that so fitting! Want some? Just get in touch with me and you could have a melted heart of your own!

Happy Valentines Day Everybody! Love Candace and Avery <3


Eat your heart out!
Love at first sight!