Monday, 9 April 2012

Easter Hunny Bunny

Hoppy Easter Everyone! We have had very busy few weeks, as I have gone back to teaching and Avery is always on the move! We have had some wonderful visits this week as well, from Avery's Aunt and Uncle Roni and Greg from Halifax! And Avery's Grandma from Edmonton! So we have been super busy ladies! For Easter we went to an Easter egg hunt here in town and it was crazy! Kids everywhere! Eggs everywhere! Bunnies Everywhere! Avery had so much fun swinging on her favourite swing and watching all the little kids playing around her.

Avery's collected eggs, she likes them!

Love all the natural light, my Hunny Bunny looks so sweet!

Avery swinging with Grandma, can't get enough of that smile!

Avery and I, finally made my husband snap a shot of us together <3

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Avery @ the Park!

Swinging fun! A fun and easy way to get some beautiful pictures is to take your little one to the park and shoot them playing! Avery loves the swings so I get some super cute smiles and grins. The light outside is also a wonderful change from the inside. I really enjoyed taking these pictures of her and I think they turned out great! Natural light is always the best for a shoot, just be careful to watch for where the shadows fall because that could end up ruining your picture.

Sitting back into the swing!

This one is my favourite! Look out Mommy here I come!

Pure Enjoyment!