My little fish, it's been a fantastic summer so far! Avery has really taken to the water. I am so proud of my little monkey, or maybe I should say mermaid! This has been a perfect opportunity to take pictures of my little fish, as the blues of the water look gorgeous, and her facial expressions are priceless, and the outdoor light is fantastic! I couldn't ask for a better setting! We are so excited that Avery has taken so well to the water that we have enrolled her in swimming lessons this summer! That's right I said swimming lessons! If you are anything like me I could not believe that an 8 month old could be in swimming lessons, but they can, and I know Avery will rock them!
I realize it's been a super long time since my last post and I am so sorry. Now that school is over for the summer hopefully I will be able to keep up with this blog a lot more. I have missed writing and posting pics mostly of my little Avery, and my my how she has grown! These pics were inspired by this sweet little tutu I bought for Canada day for her. I really wanted to take some pics of her in it while floating on clouds lol so obviously that could not happen the closest thing to it that I could think of was setting her in the middle of my white duvet and puffing it up around her. It was so easy and turned out just as I pictured! All I did was set my duvet up on my bed and up over my headboard! Avery always does most of the work, as soon as she sees the camera she knows exactly what to do! I love how her blue eyes just pop, and her yummy soft vanilla skin looks so creamy against the white duvet and bright red tutu! Can you tell I'm in love!