Friday, 23 March 2012

4 months old is not a newborn any more; These past few months have gone by so fast I don't even know where to start. Avery is just over 4 months now and she is doing so many new things, especially in the last week or so it's hard to keep up! She's laughing, rolling over (once) and of course her Dad and I both missed it. She is now making noises that we make and communicating that way which is super fun and soooo adorable! She loves watching her Disney sing-a-long, and the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, I've never seen a baby so into music and tv!!  

Avery almost sitting on her own at 4 months!

 I do have a question to those fellow Mom's who are reading this. Avery has been an amazing sleeper as of 2 months old. She has always had her bath bottle and bed and gone right to sleep and woke up the next morning. She recently has decided to wake up in the middle of the night wide awake! I don't know why? Or what to do about it? I am going back to work in a week and need her to be sleeping through the night again...I have tried a later bed time but she gets so grumpy she wants to be put down at 8pm. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! 
Avery just discovering her feet too! Love to eat them lol

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